Meet the Chef…


I am a nurse by day and a home chef by night. The transition from caring to cooking is seamless for me – the very act of nursing is nourishing. While providing one type of care is mostly limited to within hospitals, certainly cooking for someone at home who’s sick fulfills the role of cook-as-nurse.  And while both nurses and chefs are passionate about their work, they also depend upon science and painstaking care to achieve quality outcomes. Of equal importance, though, a respect for culture and the preservation of personal experience are essential ingredients in achieving this holistic approach to nourishment.

My mission in this cooking blog is to document my culinary adventures as I bake, broil, and cook my way into creating meals worthy of my dining companions’ praise. My focus here will be in recreating 5-star recipes from the New York Times, classic and timeless recipes from around the world, and recipes given to me by my culinary friends. In addition, I will delve into my own personal experience with each of these dishes, incorporating ingredients and techniques that I have added to suit my own taste. 

The recipes appear as they have been published with a delicious postscript on what I have edited and changed over time. I am (I hope!) very much up to the task of recreating both easy to fancy (or even fanciful) meals.  I will welcome any suggestions that you readers may have – please post your comments accordingly!

To every “servantless American cook” out there – have a great time cooking!

P.S. – I may add blogs about my other interests: restaurants, markets, movies, and cookware shops 🙂

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